1 one
2 vertical line
3 dot
4 丿 slash
5 at second position
6 hook
7 two
8 lid
9 person
10 legs
12 eight
13 comprise, down box
14 cover
15 ice
16 small table
17 open box
18 knife, sword
19 power, force
20 wrap
21 spoon, ladle
22 right open box
23 hiding enclosure
24 ten
25 oracle, mysticism
26 bent person
27 cliff
28 private, nose
29 again, hand
30 mouth, opening
31 enclosure
32 earth, ground
33 scholar
34 upturned foot
36 evening
37 big, huge
38 woman
39 child
40 roof
41 skillful hand
42 small
43 lame, broken leg
44 buttocks in side view
45 sprout
46 mountain
47 river
48 work, to build
49 oneself
50 cloth, turban
51 dry
52 short thread
53 广 building
54 long stride
55 two hands
56 shoot, lance
57 bow
58 hand
59 hair or bristle
60 step
61 heart
62 halberd
63 door
64 hand
65 branch
66 rap, strike
67 script, culture
68 dipper
69 axe
70 direction, square
71 not
72 sun, day
73 say
74 moon, month
75 tree
76 lack, yawn
77 stop, to end
78 bad, wicked
79 weapon
81 compare
82 fur
83 clan
84 steam
85 water
86 fire
87 claw
88 father
89 to mix
90 3 three parts
91 sliced wood
92 fang, tusk
93 cow
94 dog
95 mysterious
96 jade, king
97 melon, pumpkin
98 tile
99 sweet
100 life
101 use, need
102 field
103 bolt of cloth
104 sickness
105 vulcano
106 white
107 skin
108 bowl
109 eye
110 spear
111 arrow
112 stone
113 to show, altar
114 track
115 grain
116 cave
117 stand
118 bamboo
119 rice
120 thread
121 can, jar
122 net
123 sheep
124 feather
125 old
126 and
127 fertile tree
128 ear
129 writing brush
130 meat
131 minister
132 self
133 arrive
134 mortar
135 tongue
136 oppose
137 boat
138 not good
139 color
141 tiger
142 insect
143 blood
144 walk
145 clothes
148 horn
149 speech
150 valley
151 bean
152 pig
153 small hairy animal
155 red
156 run
157 foot
158 body
160 bitter, hot
161 morning: 7-9 a.m.
164 wine, alcohol
165 emphasized rice
166 village, mile
167 gold, metal
168 long
170 mound, dam
171 stirring soup
172 short tailed bird
173 rain
174 blue, young
175 wrong
176 face
177 untanned leather
180 sound
181 head, leader
182 wind
183 fly
184 eat, food
185 head
186 fragrant
188 bone
189 tall
190 hair
193 iron cauldron, earthen pot
194 devil, demon, ghost
195 fish
196 bird
198 鹿 deer
200 hemp
201 yellow
202 millet
203 black
209 nose
211 tooth
215 not
216 younger brother
217 Buddhist nun
218 good
220 inside, inner
221 capital
222 elder brother
223 change
224 nail
225 hill
226 village
227 wild animal
228 person
229 well
230 ladle, spoon
231 talent
232 hand
233 cloud, fog
234 also
235 vertical
236 suddenly, for the first time
237 ???
238 divine
239 to flourish
240 again, once more
241 order, purpose
242 ancient, old, former
243 grain shovel/scoop
244 Master
245 to oppose
246 be possible
247 and; moreover; yet
248 fit
249 sentence
250 order, command
251 king
252 lying person
253 西 west
254 east
255 husband
256 now
257 yuan
258 friend
259 emperor
260 middle
261 hanging down
262 government
263 to hope, long for
264 mound, ridge of a mountain
265 flat, level
266 feelings
267 correct
268 temple
269 growing plant
270 table
271 death, to die
272 sky
273 platform
274 unripe, not yet
275 to add
276 still, yet, to esteem
277 old man
278 cross
279 fire
280 No. 3
281 sun beams
282 happiness
283 head
284 star
285 coming out
286 announce, to tell
287 bed
288 spit
289 ticket, ballot
290 cover
291 sun rise
292 corner
293 kneeling person
294 easy, change
295 each, everybody
296 new born baby
297 pepper plant
298 business
299 alike, resemble
300 Hand with broom
301 to release, set free
302 bent stroke
303 grass, plant
304 all, entire, every
305 word
306 torture, anal penetration
307 gate
308 person
309 household
310 former, previously
311 to see
312 this
313 mutually
314 ordinary
315 reaching downwards
316 horse
317 to beg
318 I; my (old)
319 center, middle
320 outstanding, excellent
321 interrogation
322 filial piety
323 correct, right
324 unit of length
325 early death
326 security guard
327 decisive
328 Scorpion
329 winding seeweed
330 former times
331 avoid, escape
332 type, style
333 to close
334 contract, treaty
335 happy
336 handsome
337 omen, trillion
338 egg, ovum
339 fruit, result, indeed
340 summon, to call together
341 therefore
342 in advance, first
343 vehicle
344 to supervise, jail
345 廿 twenty
346 to do, manage
347 right side
348 hand
349 justice
350 reach
351 circumference
352 achieve
353 Water
354 both, two
355 remaining, excess
356 movement
357 reason, cause
358 winter
359 in a direction, towards
360 exchange, crossing,
361 pig
362 together
363 dispute, fight
364 to lose, to fail
365 excellent
366 forest
367 to hand over, deliver
368 together; common
369 bundle
370 writing tablets
371 to take / get
372 piled earth
373 slave, servant
374 squeeze out
375 Tang Yao
376 each, every
377 reason, cause
378 responsibility
379 what a bent person uses
380 old gentleman, old man
381 I, me, my
382 just like, as if
383 package, to cover, to wrap
384 just, just now
385 Hand with stick
386 vulgar, low, base
387 mother
388 to open, start, turn on
389 burden
390 to explain, to extend
391 noon
392 identical, simultaneous
393 between
394 not, negation
395 peaceful, calm
396 relatively weak, inferior
397 soft leather
398 straight, frank
399 single, individual
400 barrel of rice wine
401 half, semi-
402 to give, bestow
403 just one of severals
404 overbearing
405 barracks
406 to chop
407 arrow head
408 flat, plan
409 foreign
410 two kings
411 hook in, sketch
412 shell, money
413 squeeze in
414 member
415 pluck
416 very large, huge
417 north
418 outstanding, particularly
419 money transfer, to cash
420 palace courtyard
421 boy, children
422 farmstead
423 to go away, to cause to go
424 certainly, must
425 to help
426 end, final
427 to announce
428 divide
429 rabbit
430 sunset, sinking
431 double, twice
432 tool
433 marquis, nobleman
434 new moon
435 disobedient
436 tall
437 root (of plants), origin
438 to combine, to merge
439 to send out
440 assemble unite
441 next in sequence
442 mound, hillock
443 two halberds
444 to use, according to
445 thus, therefore
446 spring, source
447 small bead
448 to enjoy, benefit
449 two rooms or mouths
450 punishment, penalty
451 exist, to have
452 storehouse, barn, granary
453 army, military
454 bent person
455 connect
456 row, to arrange
457 rule, standard
458 cut
459 to beg, seek, request
460 slumped person
461 distress, adversity
462 many
463 to know
464 stomach
465 past tense identifer
466 same, like
467 ????
468 outstanding, excellent
469 also, namely
470 fracture, to break
471 urgent, pressing
472 blade (of sword)
473 in; at; to; from
474 armor, shell
475 south
476 salty
477 to cut, to slice
478 sprout
479 Person with points
480 to roll (up), sweep up
481 ash, dust
482 beard, non-Han people
483 to whisper
484 abrupt, sudden
485 offical duty
486 Religion, school of a teaching
487 orchid, lily magnolia
488 this (particle)
489 upwards, on top
490 downwards, below
491 to be happy, glad
492 plants, grasses
493 thousand
494 pace, step
495 burnt, scorched
496 peasant, agriculture
497 to sift
498 honorific
499 10-days duration
500 military officer
501 uncultivated
502 coming out
503 it (lifeless things)
504 younger uncle
505 really, truly
506 revolve, return
507 now, here, this
508 cloth
509 drum
510 few, little
511 blooming plant
512 elefant
513 companion
514 silk
515 electricity
516 danger, to endanger
517 people, nation
518 market, city
519 classic end-particle
520 difficult
521 distant, adverbial prefix
522 gossip, chat, jaw
523 to damage, trouble
524 autumn, fall
525 species, category
526 small worm
527 to help, assist
528 ratio
529 offer/present respectfully
530 front
531 this
532 stork
533 man
534 southern Jiangsu
535 broken arms and legs
536 to check, to verify
537 flame, inflammation
538 book, booklet
539 new born baby
540 favorable, useful
541 dragon
542 to seem as if
543 arrange
544 a certain, some
545 early, morning
546 insect
547 two, both, double
548 lighting rod
549 vermilion
550 to give birth, raise
551 the morning
552 to bear; to carry
553 degree, extend
554 epoch, generation, age
555 to come
556 loyal, dependable
557 protect
558 suddenly
559 district, region
560 participate
561 to repeat, again
562 forever, always
563 light, ray, bright
564 ugly, shameful
565 follow, obey
566 寿 long life
567 ???
568 concentrated
569 pointed, sharp
570 to boast, exaggerate
571 encounter
572 public
573 precious, expensive
574 remain
575 guest
576 buttocks
578 3 beams
583 administration
584 prefecture
585 mine, pit
586 prosperous
587 to spread
588 mowing grass
589 climb up
590 entrust
591 to rectify
592 already, since
593 package, pottery
594 as, as if
595 appearance, look
596 seat of government
597 pitfall
598 emperor
599 shabby, poor
600 each and every
601 era, epoch
602 breath
603 sound of the wind
604 to collect
605 to stay, linger
606 very, extraordinary
607 visitor, guest
608 to part from
609 grasp, seize
610 fierce, fearful
611 right side of character
612 badge, medal
613 emptiness, void
614 violence
615 difference
616 reaching into mortar
617 to announce
618 excellent, verbose
619 peace, calm
620 to ramble, to rove
621 stoop, to bow
622 ???
623 manner, kind
624 strange, odd, weird
625 obscure, Austria
626 friends
627 how?
628 twisted threads
629 with, and
630 trash can
631 that, those
632 left
633 barbarian
634 focussed, concentrated
635 elegant, intelligent
636 chin. foot
637 heavy, to double
638 equal
639 ten thousand
640 to sacrify
641 thorns
642 hundred
643 produce
644 generation
645 even further
646 fork
647 military
648 five
649 to need, require
650 six
651 to think
652 goodness
653 prosperous, flourishing
654 residence
655 nine
656 to sell
657 to deceive, cheat
658 great, grand
659 jaw, palate
660 ???
661 notice, letter
662 entrust
663 shield
664 dare
665 calculate
666 something ???
667 night
668 eyebrow
669 wild river
670 blossom, flower
671 chain, to string together
672 way, street
673 between, among
674 border at fields
675 hard, strong
676 grief
677 to meet
678 |a bundle 束 and to lack 欠
679 commander
680 stingy
681 stupid, clumsy
682 happiness
683 sun rise
684 three persons
685 goods
686 monarch, lord
687 rooted plant
688 extraordinary, strange
689 stand aligned
690 to build, to construct
691 to look at
692 unexpectedly, indeed
693 cross
694 to die, impassable
695 to sit
696 extreme, highest
697 to respect
698 love
699 warn, caution
700 stabbed pig
701 laziness
702 scenery
703 to carve, contract
704 revolve, (re)turn
705 respect
706 nation, country
707 to blame, scold
708 退 retreat
709 single-legged rabbit
710 soldiers
711 another
712 extending all the way
713 long robe
714 |child
715 section, segment
716 to receive, accept
717 perhaps
718 superfluous
719 soup
720 hole, Confucius
721 parents
722 We (imperial)
723 military