The Chinese Radical: 虍

tiger    虍


Used in these characters:
to worry about, be concerned, to consider, anxiety

Top: tiger 虍, bottom: heart 心
The tiger has a heart with "worries" =anxiety.  

Top: tiger 虍 (pictograph: jumping tiger with protruding teeth), below: hind legs 儿
Only a tiger on hind legs is a real tiger.  
emptiness, void, unoccupied, humble, in vain

Top: tiger 虍, below: hollow 业 business, occupation (It is shown a volcanic vent with a hollow peak.)
The tiger's hole is empty.  
to capture, prisoner of war, to take prisoner

Top: tiger 虍, bottom: force 力
With a tiger you need force to capture it.  
oppressive, tyrannical
Top: tiger 虍 (with fangs), below: claws 爪
The tiger has claws to be oppressive.  
ruins, grave, mound

Left: earth 土, right: void, emptiness 虚 (The tiger's 虍 hole 业 is void. )[业= hollow volcanic vent]
The earth is void when with ruins and graves.  
to filter, to strain, filtrate

Left: water 氵, right: to worry about 虑 (The tiger 虍 has a heart 心 that has worries.)
With this water I have worries and I am filtering it.  
no HSK
(tiger)-stripes, a tiger-cat, streaks, veins
Left: tiger 虎 (= tiger 虍 on the hind legs 儿), right: hair 彡
The tiger's hair have stripes.  
no HSK
to act with reverence, reverent
Top: tiger 虍, below: text/language 文 (image of a folding table, on which a text is written)
Towards a tiger, your language should be with: reverence.  
no HSK
to anticipate, expect, cheat, worry

Top: tiger 虍 (with conspicuous claws), below: province in Jiangsu 吴 (mouth 口 and sky, heaven 天)
A tiger with such a mouth is heaven-like ... at least you can anticipate.  
no HSK
exhale, hiss

Left: mouth 口, right void, emptiness 虚 (The tiger's 虍 hole 业 is void.) [业 = hollow volcanic vent]
The sound (= what comes out of a mouth) from the tiger's hole is a: hiss.  
no HSK
a tiger's roar, to scare, bluff, to intimidate

Left: mouth 口, right: tiger 虎 = 虍 and (negotiating) table 几
The sound (= what comes out of the mouth) is a tiger's roar at the negotiating table, when scaring or bluffing.  
no HSK
to capture, to seize

Left: hand 扌, right: capture, seize 虏 (With a tiger 虍 you need force 力 to capture it.)
The hand: captures.  
no HSK
to spy, watch for

Left: void, emptiness 虚 (The tiger's 虍 hole 业 is void.) [业 = hollow volcanic vent], right: to see 见/見
If the tiger hole is void we can see, by: watching for.  
no HSK
to banter, to tease, to mock, joy, to joke
Left: word 讠/言, right: oppressive, tyrannical 虐 (The tiger 虍 has claws 爪 to be oppressive)
With the words you are oppressive, when: bantering.  
no HSK
fast, hurry, suddenly

Left: movement 辶, right: wild boar 豦 (Like a tiger 虍/虎 is this pig 豕)
The movements of the wild boar are fast.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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