The Chinese Radical: 骨

bone    骨


Used in these characters:
slippery, smooth, comical, cunning
Left: water 氵, right: skeleton, bones 骨 (from top: bone [pictograph of a vertebra], cover 冖, body/flesh 月)
Water on the bones makes them smooth.
skeleton, bone

From top: bone (pictograph of a vertebra), cover 冖, body/flesh 月/肉
Bones are covered with flesh and form the skeleton.
sly, crafty, slick, deceitful
Left: wild animal 犭(dog on the hind legs), right: skeleton, bone 骨 (image of a vertebra, cover 冖, body/flesh 月)
A wild animal wants to get the bones and is sly /crafty.
no HSK
skeleton, bones of the body
Left: bones/vertebrae 骨, right: (zodiac) pig 亥 (head 亠, fat body ノノ small tail 丶)
Also the bones of the pig are a skeleton.
no HSK
marrow (spinal or plant's stem), essence, pith
Left: skeleton 骨, right: 遀 (movement 辶, part of lazy 惰 [I feel 忄, that the left 左 [half] of my body 月 is lazy])
The skeleton has during movement sth. lazy: The marrow.
no HSK
skeleton, bone, corpse

Left: skeleton 骨 (image of a vertebra, cover 冖, body/flesh 月), right: every 各 (Sitting cross-legged 夂 on a cushion 口 does everybody)
The skeleton, that everybody has is: the skeleton.
no HSK
skeleton, human skull

Left: skeleton 骨 (image of a vertebra, cover 冖, body/flesh 月), right: old 古 (originally: a skull, but it's better to imagine a tomb stone)
The skeleton at the tomb stone: a skeleton.
no HSK
Left: skeleton 骨 (image of a vertebra, cover 冖, body/flesh 月), right: collect 娄 (Rice grains 米 are by women 女 been: collected.)
(As a souvenir?) From the skeleton this is collected: The skull.

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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