The Chinese Radical: 莫

negative, sunset    莫

Explanation The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset. - The very similar radical stands for sunrise. This seems bizarre, but can be argued based on the characters for morning 朝 in comparison to evening 暮.

Used in these characters:
admire, to envy, to adore

Top: negative 莫 (sink, go down: The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.), bottom: heart 心 [sunrise is: 旦 or ]
(a romantic sunset?) Having the sinking sun in your heart is [a feeling of] admiration.  
model, mold, matrix, standard, norm, to imitate
mó, mú
Left: tree 木, right: negative, sunset 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.) [To compare: sunrise is: 旦 or ]
(When producing identical parts, the clay is pressed into a concave counter mold.) Wood is used as a 'negative'-mold for making a standard model.  
dawn, morning, day-break
Above: sun 日, below: horizontal line 一 for horizon [Sunset is: 莫]
When the sun appears above the horizon it's dawn.  
curtain, screen, canopy, tent

Top: negative 莫 (to sink/go down: The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.) [sunrise is: 旦 or ], bottom: cloth 巾
Sinking cloth is a curtain.  
to feel with the hand, to touch, to grope

Left: hand 扌, right: negative, sunset 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.)) [sunrise is: 旦 or ]
The hand can, after sunset, only feel.  
desert, unconcerned, indifferent, apathetic

Left: water 氵, right: negative 莫 (sink, go down: The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.) [sunrise is: 旦 or ]
(Low groundwater level) When the water has sunk, it turns into: a desert.  
lonely, lonesome

Top: roof 宀, below: negative 莫 (sink, go down: The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.)
Behind the roof the sunset happens, and it becomes lonely.  
grave, tomb, mausoleum

Top: negative, sunset 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.), bottom: earth 土
Sinking among plants into the earth: into the grave.  
membrane, film

Left: part of body 月/肉, right: negative 莫 - [Here: 艹 as 2x10 十 parts, 日 as image of a membrane and 大 as one big part]
The part of the body where there are 20 [small] parts on one side and one large part on the other, is: the membrane 日.  
negative, nobody, do not, there is none who

The sunset is shown: The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.) (Please note that sunrise is: and 旦)
The sunset is perceived negatively.  
crack, crevice, gap or interval, discord, rift

Left: hill 阝, right: sun 日 with rays to all directions: 小 小
(It causes a shadow:) The hill causes, when the sun is shining to all directions: a crack or gap.  
no HSK
evening, sunset, one's old age

Top: negative 莫 (sink, go down: The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.), bottom: sun 日
At this sinking sun, the sun stands for: evening.  
no HSK
to imitate, to copy

Top: negative 莫 (sink, go down: The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.), bottom: hand 手
(Made of wood is the negative mold 模) and the hand makes with it: an imitation.  
no HSK
suddenly, unexpectedly, leap on or over

Top: negative 莫 (sink, go down: The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.), bottom: horse 马/馬
The sunset is (fast as) a horse and comes suddenly.  
no HSK
plan, to practice

Left: word 讠/言, right: negative 莫 The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.)
With the words, we should, until sunset, have planned it.  
no HSK
má, ma
Left: insect 虫, right: negative, sunset 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.)
The 'insect, that becomes active at sunset, is the toad.  
no HSK
to enlist, to recruit, to collect, to raise

Top: negative, sink, sunset 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.), bottom: strength, force 力
With declining forces, (new troops) need to be recruited.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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