The Chinese Radical: 音

sound    音


Used in these characters:
idea, meaning, thought, wish, desire, Italy 意大利

Top: sound 音 (Stand/Get up 立 into the day 日 with sounds/music [of the clock radio]), bottom: heart 心
The sounds of my heart are my ideas.  
sound, noise, note (of musical scale)
Top: to stand 立, below: sun 日
(When using an alarm clock:) Stand/Get up into the day with: sounds.  
medal, badge, decoration, order, chapter, regulation
Top: to rise/stand 立, below: early 早 (When the sunrise 旦 at the marking 丶 at the horizon 一, it is early in the morning)
Get up early and you will get a medal.  
actually, unexpectedly, indeed
Top: sound 音 (Stand/Get up 立 into the day 日 with sounds [of the alarm clock]), bottom: legs 儿
(My knee is cracking!) Sounds in the legs? Actually?  
obscure, gloomy, hidden, dark, secret, muddled
Left: sun/day 日, right: sound, music 音 (Stand/Get up 立 into the day 日 with music [of the clock radio?])
(You write in this order: 日 → 立 → 日) When the sun stands 立 between two days 日,日 it is: dark.  
no HSK
deep black, dark, sadness
Left: black 黑 (The underside of the cooking pot 里 is stained by fire 灬 black.), right: sound/noise 音 (Stand/Get up 立 into the day 日 with sounds [of the alarm clock])
If the black is standing above the sun, it is a dark sadness.  
no HSK
beautiful sound, charm, vowel, rhyme
Left: sound/noise 音 (Stand/Get up 立 into the day 日 with sounds [of the alarm clock]), right: well-distributed 匀 (a ladle 勹 with sth. in 冫 for both 冫)
A sound that is well-balanced is a beautiful sound.  
no HSK
(music), excellent, harmonious
Left: sound 音 (Stand/Get up 立 into the day 日 with sounds [of the alarm clock]), right: to call together 召 (... with the sword 刀 and the mouth 口)
Sounds that make you 'call together' are: excellent (music).  
no HSK
feelings, opinion, thoughts, breast, bosom

Left: body part 月/肉, right: intention, thought, idea 意 (The sounds 音 of my heart 心 are my thought.)
The body part of my intentions is the breast where my feelings are.  
no HSK
to be versed in, to know well
Left: word 讠(=言 sound waves out of a mouth 口), right: sound 音 (Stand/Get up 立 into the day 日 with sounds [of the alarm clock])
If his words are like sounds, he is versed.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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