The Chinese Radical: 黑

black    黑

Explanation The lower side of the cooking pot 里 is - by the fire 灬 - stained black.

Used in these characters:
black, dark
At top: variation of village 里, bottom: fire 灬 - Here: consider 里 as cooking pot
The underside of the cooking pot is stained by fire black.  
silent, write from memory

Left: black 黑/黒 (The underside of the cooking pot 里 is stained by fire 灬 black.), right: dog 犬 (The big 大 person holds it 丶 in the arms)
About the black dog it is kept silent.  
black ink, China ink, Mexico 墨西哥

Top: black 黒 (The underside of the cooking pot 里 is stained by fire 灬 black), below: earth 土
Black earth is used: for ink.  
hey (exclamation of surprise)
Left: mouth 口, right: black 黑 (The underside of the cooking pot 里 is stained by fire 灬 black.)
"Your mouth is black", he exclaimed in surprise.  
no HSK
deep black, dark, sadness
Left: black 黑 (The underside of the cooking pot 里 is stained by fire 灬 black.), right: sound/noise 音 (Stand/Get up 立 into the day 日 with sounds [of the alarm clock])
If the black is standing above the sun, it is a dark sadness.  
no HSK
umber-black dye for painting the eyebrow
Top: generation 代 (The person 人 passes on the saber 弋 to the next generation.), bottom: black 黑 (The underside of the cooking pot 里 is stained by fire 灬 black.)
Since generations we use this black for the eyebrows.  
no HSK
black, dark green
Left: black 黑 (The underside of the cooking pot 里 is stained by fire 灬 black.), right: infant 幼 (A thread 幺/糸 with the strength 力 of an infant.)
The 'black' you gain from threads (= fibers) using force is: a dark green.  
no HSK
to blacken, black mud
Left: water 氵, right: 圼 (varification of black 黑 [without fire], which shows the underside of a pot 里 that has been blackened by fire 灬)
With water and the black of a pot, you can stain black.  
no HSK
abbr. for Guizhou province
Left: black 黑 (The underside of the cooking pot 里 is stained by fire 灬 black.), right: now 今 (Put the cover into the corner フ Now!)
Where the black is now: in the Guizhou province.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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