The Chinese Radical: 奄

suddenly    奄

Explanation The lower part 电 means 'electricity' and was simplified from 電, wherein during rain the lightning rod 乚 in the field has electricity. The big 大 electricity 电 refers to a lightning flash that comes suddenly.

Used in these characters:
to conceal, cover up, surprise
Left: hand 扌, right: suddenly 奄 (i.e. lightning stroke: The big 大 electricity 电 [= lightning strike] comes suddenly.) [electricity 电 = field 田 with lightning arrester 乚]
The hand makes a sudden movement to conceal sth.
to flood, to submerge, to drown, delay
Left: water 氵, right: suddenly 奄 (i.e lightning strike: The big 大 electricity 电 comes suddenly.) [electricity 电 = field 田 with lightning arrester 乚]
If the water comes suddenly, then as a flood, where you drown.
no HSK
I (northern dialects)
Left: Person 人, right: suddenly 奄 (i.e. lighting strike: the big 大 electricity 电 comes suddenly) [electricity 电 = field 田 with lightning rod 乚]
(I boast to be full of energy:) The person with big electricity, that is me!
no HSK
hut, small temple, nunnery
Outside: building 广, below: suddenly 奄 (i.e. lighting strike: The big 大 electricity 电 comes suddenly.) [electricity 电 = field 田 with lightning rod 乚]
A building that (can be built) suddenly, is a small hut.
no HSK
suddenly, abruptly, hastily, to cover
Top: big 大, bottom: electricity 电 (A field 田 with a lightning rod 乚)
(At a lightning strike:) The big electricity comes suddenly.
no HSK
to castrate, a castrate, neuter
Outside: gate 门/門, inside: suddenly 奄 (i.e. a lightning stroke: The big 大 electricity 电 comes suddenly.) [electricity 电 = field 田 with lightning arrester 乚]
(Electric pasture fence? - When climbing over:) the gate, the big electricity made him: a castrate.

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