The Chinese Radical: 禸

track    禸

Explanation Etymologically this is derived from a trace, but is seen in the Hanzi-Trainer as the lower part of the insect 禺.

Used in these characters:
to leave, to part from, distant, without sth.

Top: trash can 㐫 (cover 亠 and grim 凶 [= container 凵 with dreadful 㐅 content]), below: 禸 (part of scorpion 禺)
Into the trash with the scorpion, so that it "leaves" us.
to meet, to encounter, opportunity, chance

Left: movement 辶, right: scorpion 禺 (image of a scorpion: combination of a carapace 田 of the insect 虫 with long legs 冂)
(A mating/courtship ritual?) Movements of a scorpion with the opportunity to meet someone. (And then they 亻,禺 became accidentally a pair 偶.)
accidental, image, pair, mate
Left: person 人, right: scorpion 禺 (image of a scorpion: combination of a carapace 田, insect 虫 and long legs 冂)
(At first they met 遇 with movements 辶) And then the person and the scorpion became accidentally a pair.
glass, colored glaze

Left: king, jade 王, right: to part from 离 (Use the trash 㐫 can for the scorpion 禺, so that it "leaves" us.) [禺 = scorpion 田,禸 with hint legs 冂 and the sting 厶]
The king has a pot with scorpions that is made of glass. [Or: The "jade" of the pot with scorpions is: glass.]
to reside, to imply, to contain

Top: roof 宀, below: scorpion 禺 (scorpion with carapace 田, insect 虫 with sting 厶 and long legs 冂)
Under the roof even scorpions can reside!
to be stupid, to cheat or deceive, me or I (modest)

Top: 禺 (pictograph of a scorpion: Combination of 田 for carapace, insect 虫 (with sting 厶), long legs 冂), bottom: heart 心
The scorpion in its heart is: stupid.
poultry, generic term for birds
Top: person 人, bottom: to part from 离 (Use the trash 㐫 can for the scorpion 禺 [you see 禸 =the hint legs 冂 and the sting 厶], so that it "leaves" us.)
The image of a chicken coop 㐫 with a ladder 禸 stands: for poultry.
no HSK
to capture, catch, seize, arrest
Left hand 扌, right: poultry 禽 (The image of a chicken coop with a ladder 禸 stands: for poultry)
By hand the poultry can be: captured.
no HSK
Yu the Great mythical leader who tamed the floods

Top: mouth 口, bottom: 禸 or with insect 虫
Like an insect 虫 with hat 一 and wide legs 冂, that is: Yu the Great.
no HSK
ancient area

Top: sun 日, bottom: 禸 (part of scorpion 禺)
In the explanations used as: scorpion
no HSK

Left: hill 阝, right: scorpion 禺 (pictograph of a scorpion: combination of 田 for carapace, insect 虫, long legs 冂)
On the hill, there are scorpions in every corner.

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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