Memory phrase for the character: 璃



glass, colored glaze



Left: king, jade 王, right: to part from 离 (Use the trash 㐫 can for the scorpion 禺, so that it "leaves" us.) [禺 = scorpion 田,禸 with hint legs 冂 and the sting 厶]


The king has a pot with scorpions that is made of glass. [Or: The "jade" of the pot with scorpions is: glass.]


to part from
ScorpionThe scorpion is the insect 虫 with the stinger ム between the long hind legs 冂.
trash canAt the top a cover 亠 and below "fearful 㐫" which is free interpreted as "trash can".
trackEtymologically this is derived from a trace, but is seen in the Hanzi-Trainer as the lower part of the insect 禺.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


玻璃 bō li  glass; nylon; plastic
琉璃 liú lí  glazed tile (used on roof of palaces)
琉璃瓦 liú lí wǎ  glazed roof tile
琉璃瓦 liú lí wǎ  

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