Memory phrase for the character: 擒



to capture, catch, seize, arrest




Left hand 扌, right: poultry 禽 (The image of a chicken coop with a ladder 禸 stands: for poultry)


By hand the poultry can be: captured.


handSimplification of this hand 手
trackEtymologically this is derived from a trace, but is seen in the Hanzi-Trainer as the lower part of the insect 禺.
trash canAt the top a cover 亠 and below "fearful 㐫" which is free interpreted as "trash can".
to part from
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


生擒 shēng qín  to capture alive
欲擒故纵 yù qín gù zòng  In order to capture, one must let loose.; to loosen the reins only to grasp them better
束手就擒 shù shǒu jiù qín  hands tied and waiting to be captured
束手就擒 shù shǒu jiù qín  

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