The Chinese Radical: 比

compare    比


Used in these characters:
to compare, to contrast, gesture with hands, Belgium

Sitting persons 匕匕
There are two sitting persons: Compare them.
to criticize, to ascertain, classifier for batches

Left: hand 扌, right: compare 比 (two sitting persons 匕: compare them)
The hand that compares is criticizing.
graduation, to finish, to complete

Top: compare 比 (image of sitting persons), below: ten 十
(graduation party) If you sit down in a group of ten, then after the graduation.
elder brother, descendant, insect
Top: sun 日, bottom: compare 比 (originally: image of insect with carapace 日 and legs 比)
He appears like the sun in comparison (with the siblings): The elder brother.
mingle, to mix, confused, reckless, muddy
hún, hùn
Left: water 氵, right: elder brother, insect 昆 (originally: insect with carapace 日 and legs 比)
(In the past there was no clean water?) Water and insects are mingled / mixed.
rod, stick, truncheon
Left: tree 木, right: elder brother, insect 昆 (originally image of an insect with carapace 日 and legs 比)
It is made of wood it can hit/bite like an insect: a rod or truncheon.
fart, flatulence, nonsense

Left: buttocks 尸, right: compare 比 (here: the image of ass cheeks)
The buttocks leaves between the ass cheeks: A fart!
to protect, cover, shelter, hide or harbor

Left: building 广, right: compare 比 (two sitting persons 匕)
Buildings are comparatively (suitable) for protecting.
each and every, all, in all cases
Top: compare 比 (two sitting persons 匕), below: white 白 (The shine ノ of the sun 日 makes it white)
(Blinded by the bright sun:) I compare but the rays of the sun make it white: all & everything!
no HSK
the steps to the throne

Left: hill 阝, right: 坒 (compare 比 [= compare the two sitting persons 匕], earth 土)
Like a hill in proportion to the earth is his majesty on the throne.
no HSK
to die violently

Top: compare 比 (two sitting persons 匕), bottom: death 死 (If already under the earth 一 the bones 歹 of a sitting person 匕 are, this means to die.)
In comparison, his death was violently.
no HSK
to adjoin, adjacent, to border on

Left: rice paddy 田, right: compare 比 (two sitting persons 匕)
A rice paddy is compared with: the adjoining.
no HSK
guitar-like instrument, see 琵琶, lute

Top: Two pegs 王 for tensioning the strings of a string instrument, bottom: to compare 比 (here: 4 strokes for 4 strings)
The string instrument with 4 strings is this lute.
no HSK
to match, to pair, equal, to compare, to marry

Left: woman 女, right: variation of trash can 㐫, to compare: 比 (There are two sitting 匕 persons: Compare them)
When the woman puts something in the trash can and then compares it, everything inside is in: matching /pairing.

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