Memory phrase for the character: 毙



to die violently



Top: compare 比 (two sitting persons 匕), bottom: death 死 (If already under the earth 一 the bones 歹 of a sitting person 匕 are, this means to die.)


In comparison, his death was violently.


to die, impassableinflexible
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


枪毙 qiāng bì  to execute by firing squad; to shoot dead; fig. to discard; to get rid of
击毙 jī bì  to kill; to shoot dead
束手待毙 shù shǒu dài bì  hands tied and waiting for death (idiom)
束手待毙 shù shǒu dài bì  

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