Memory phrase for the character: 比



to compare, to contrast, gesture with hands, Belgium



Sitting persons 匕匕


There are two sitting persons: Compare them.


spoon, ladleIn the explanations this radical is also used as a sitting person. (Further radicals with „person“ are: sitting cross-legged 夂, lying , kneeling ⺈, skilled 才, bending マ,卩, slumped 㔾 or husband 夫)
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


比如 bǐ rú  for example; for instance; such as
腓立比书 Féi lì bǐ shū  Epistle of St Paul to the Philipians
比喻 bǐ yù  metaphor; analogy; figure of speech; figuratively
莎士比亚 Shā shì bǐ yà  Shakespeare (name); William Shakespeare (1564-1616), poet and playwright
冈比亚 Gāng bǐ yà  Gambia
比拟 bǐ nǐ  compare; draw a parallel; match; analogy; metaphor; comparison
莫桑比克 Mò sāng bǐ kè  Mozambique
纳米比亚 Nà mǐ bǐ yà  Namibia
无比 wú bǐ  matchless
百分比 bǎi fēn bǐ  percentage
比值 bǐ zhí  specific value; ratio
比值 bǐ zhí  

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