The Chinese Radical: 夜

night    夜


Used in these characters:

At top a cover/roof 亠 (of a building), below a person 亻/人 and a variant of moon 月
On the roof is a person watching the moon during the night.
liquid, fluid

Left: water 氵, right: night 夜 (On the roof 亠 is a person 亻/人 watching the moon 月 during the night.)
Water in the night remains liquid.
no HSK
armpit, axil (botany, angle between stem and branch)

Left: body part 月/肉, right: night 夜 (On the roof 亠 is a person 亻/人 watching the moon 月 during the night.)
The body part where it is 'night' is the armpit.
no HSK
to tuck (into a pocket), to hide, to conceal

Left: hand 扌, right: night 夜 (On the roof 亠 is a person 亻/人 watching the moon 月 during the night.)
If the hand is in the 'night' it was tucked (into a pocket).

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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