Memory phrase for the character: 液



liquid, fluid



Left: water 氵, right: night 夜 (On the roof 亠 is a person 亻/人 watching the moon 月 during the night.)


Water in the night remains liquid.


waterSimplified from this water 水
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


液体 yè tǐ  liquid
唾液 tuò yè  saliva
防蚊液 fáng wén yè  mosquito repellent
汁液 zhī yè  juice
胃液 wèi yè  gastric fluid
溶液 róng yè  solution (chemistry)
液压 yè yā  hydraulic pressure
血液 xuè yè  blood
液态 yè tài  liquid (state)
液氦 yè hài  liquid helium
液氦 yè hài  

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