Memory phrase for the character: 腋



armpit, axil (botany, angle between stem and branch)



Left: body part 月/肉, right: night 夜 (On the roof 亠 is a person 亻/人 watching the moon 月 during the night.)


The body part where it is 'night' is the armpit.


body partThis radical is on the left in compound words and is simplified as "月", which then looks like “moon, month 月”, but still has the meaning “body part”.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


集腋成裘 jí yè chéng qiú  many hairs make a fur coat (idiom); many small contributions add up to sth big; many a mickle makes a muckle
变生肘腋 biàn shēng zhǒu yè  lit. calamity in one's armpit (idiom); a major coup happening on one's doorstep; trouble or danger in one's own backyard
腋芽 yè yá  axillary bud; bud growing from axil of plant
腋下 yè xià  underarm; armpit
腋下 yè xià  

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