The Chinese Radical: 俞

arrow head    俞

Explanation This radical gets its meaning by the similarity to the character for arrow: 箭 (jiàn), which has a similar body under the bamboo 竹. Due to the pointed top this radical is understood as the arrow's head 人 that goes into the flesh 月/肉 and cuts刂.

Used in these characters:
to transport, to donate, to lose, to enter (a password)
Left: vehicle 车/車 (= cart from above with axle丨, load-area 日 and two wheels 二), right: to assent, approve 俞 (When the arrowhead gets into the body 月/肉 to cut刂, I am assenting. [cf. arrow 箭])
The vehicle assents, that it shall transport.
happiness, cheerful, joyful, pleased

Left: feeling 忄, right: assent 俞 (When the arrowhead gets into the body 月/肉 to cut 刂, I am assenting. [cf. arrow 箭])
Feelings of assent are: happiness and cheerfulness.
to steal, to pilfer, to snatch, stealthily
Left: person 亻, right: to assent, approve 俞 (When the arrowhead gets into the body 月 to cut 刂, I am assenting. [cf. arrow 箭])
The person assents the theft.
Top: bamboo 竹, bottom: front 前 (Where from the sheep's 羊 head, meat 月/肉 is cut刂, is the front.)
It's made of bamboo and it's the front end, which counts: the arrow.
heal, to recover, better, the more...

Top: to assent, approve 俞 (When the arrowhead gets into the body 月/肉 to cut 刂, I am assenting. [cf. arrow 箭]), below: heart 心
You shall assent with your heart (= to have a good attitude), if you want to heal/recover.
a metaphor, analogy, simile, allegory, to describe sth. as

Left: mouth 口, right: to assent, approve 俞 (When the arrowhead gets into the body 月/肉 to cut 刂, I am assenting. [cf. arrow 箭])
The 'mouth' stands for 'assent'. This is a metaphor or analogy.
no HSK
excellence, luster of gems

Left: king 王, right: to assent, approve 俞 (When the arrowhead gets into the body 月/肉 to cut 刂, I am assenting. [cf. arrow 箭])
The king is assenting this excellence.
no HSK
to assent, approve, OK

Is understood as an arrowhead (sharp angled cover and variation from: front 前 (or arrow 箭), which gets into the body 月/肉 to cut 刂.
When the arrowhead get into the body and cuts, I am assenting.
no HSK
order (from above), imperial edict

Left: word 讠/言, right: to assent, approve 俞 (When the arrowhead gets into the body 月/肉 to cut 刂, I am assenting. [cf. arrow 箭])
Words, where you have to assent are orders or edicts.
no HSK

Left: tree 木, right: to assent, approve 俞 (When the arrowhead gets into the body 月/肉 to cut 刂, I am assenting. [cf. arrow 箭])
The tree for the tip of an arrow 箭 is: the elm.
no HSK
to exceed, to go beyond, to transcend, to cross

Left: movement 辶, right: to assent, approve 俞 (When the arrowhead gets into the body 月/肉 to cut 刂, I am assenting. [cf. arrow 箭])
An assenting movement is an exceeding (going beyond).
no HSK
to change, abbr. for Chongqing 重庆

Left: water 氵, right: to assent, approve 俞 (When the arrowhead gets into the body 月/肉 to cut 刂, I am assenting. [cf. arrow 箭])
(It flows as it wants:) Water assents to change.

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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