Memory phrase for the character: 愈



heal, to recover, better, the more...



Top: to assent, approve 俞 (When the arrowhead gets into the body 月/肉 to cut 刂, I am assenting. [cf. arrow 箭]), below: heart 心


You shall assent with your heart (= to have a good attitude), if you want to heal/recover.


arrow headThis radical gets its meaning by the similarity to the character for arrow: 箭 (jiàn), which has a similar body under the bamboo 竹. Due to the pointed top this radical is understood as the arrow's head 人 that goes into the flesh 月/肉 and cuts刂.
heartImage of a heart with coronary arteries.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


愈合 yù hé  to heal; to fuse
愈加 yù jiā  all the more; even more; further
治愈 zhì yù  to cure
痊愈 quán yù  to heal and recover completely
痊愈 quán yù  

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