The Chinese Radical: 玉

jade, king    玉


Used in these characters:
country, nation, state, national
Outside: enclosure 口, inside: jade, king 玉 (At the feet of the king 王 is his jade/jewels 丶)
Like an enclosed jewel (jade): That's my country.  

King 王 (three spheres 三 [heaven, earth, mankind], one person 丨), jewel 丶
At the foot of the king are his jade-jewels.  

Left: king, jade 王 (jade by itself is also: 玉), right: skin 皮 (A hand 又 with a knife 丨 peels off the skin 厂)
When jade is (as thin) as a skin, it is glass.  
a treasure, jewel or gem, precious
Top: roof/house 宀, bottom: jade, jewel 玉 (At the feet of the king 王 is his jade/jewels 丶)
Under the roof are jewels: A treasure!  
twisted, crooked, in the wrong, in vain
Left: tree 木, right: king/jade 王 (jade itself is also: 玉)
If the whole tree is fully (hung) of jade, it becomes (due to the weight) twisted and crooked.  
to cut (gems)
Left: jade, king 王 (jade itself is: 玉), right: 豖 (pig 豕 with a cut leg)
Jade is just as a cut pig's leg, both are: cut and polished.  
no HSK
green jade, bluish green, blue, jade

Top: ambre 珀 (The king's 王 white 白), bottom: stone 石
But the king's white stone is green jade.  
no HSK
luster of gems
From top: grass 艹, cover 冖, jade 玉
In the grass is covered a 'jade' with: the luster of gems.  
no HSK
agate, cornelian

Left: king, jade 王 (Jade itself is: 玉), right: horse 马/馬 (= with mane, four legs 灬 and tail ㄅ)
The jewel (=jade) that has similar to a horse different colored stripes is: the agate.  
no HSK
gem, beautiful jade
Left: king, jade 王, right: forest 林
The king has a forest with gems.  
no HSK
jasper, fine jade, exquisite (e.g. wine, food), beautiful
Left: king, jade 王 (jade itself is: 玉), right: capital 京 (image of a stone lantern)
The 'jade' for the capital is: the fine jasper.  
no HSK
sound of tinkling (ting-a-ling) of gem-pendants
Left: King, jade 王, right: order, command 令 (here: image of a bell - cf. metal bell 铃 - (令 = bell's body , bell's bolt マ)
The jade bell has tinkling sound.  
no HSK
precious stone, jade, nacre, precious
Left: king, jade 王, right: 䍃 (hand reaching down 爫, can 缶 (lid and can opener 十 of that can 凵)
The 'jade', the hand gets out of the can, is a precious stone.  
no HSK
precious stone
Left: king, jade 王, right: 㐬 ("newborn baby" as a child turned upside down : the child 子 comes with head first, with amniotic fluid 川)
If a 'jade' gets a new live, then as: a precious stone.  
no HSK
extraordinary, (semi-precious stone)
Left: king, jade 王, right: devil 鬼
The jade of the devil is extraordinary.  
no HSK
(crystal), lustrous
Left: king/jade 王, right: brave, England 英 (The plant 艹 in the center 央 is brave.)
The jade that is 'brave' is lustrously.  
no HSK
irregular pearl

Left: king, jade 王, right: table 几
[Also because it is ordinary 凡 = table 几 with a scratch 丶] The king can put it on the table (without rolling away): an irregular pearl.  
no HSK
fine jade, angel

Left: king, jade 王, right: his, her, its 其 (image of grain shovel/scoop (tool for threshing), here: Playing field, like at chess 棋
The jade on the playing-field is: fine jade.  
no HSK

Left: king, jade 王, right: beard, non-Han-person 胡 (Like old 古 flesh 月 are the beards of the non-Han people.)
The 'jade' that is on old 古 bodies 月 (= coral reef), is the coral. (Or: The king in the water-less lake 湖 is the coral.)  
no HSK
Left: king, jade 王, right: book, booklet 册 (here: two boats 舟)
For this 'jade' (its extraction) you need boats, the: Coral.  
no HSK
jade plaything, ancient stone ornament
Left: king/jade 王, right: medal 章 (Get up 立 early 早 to get a medal.) [early 早 = When the sunrise 旦 is at a mark 丶 at the horizon 一, it is early in the morning.]
The king gives as a medal a: jade plaything.  
no HSK
gem, precious stone, curio

Left: king, jade 王, right: strange/odd 奇 (There is a big 大 possibility (opportunity) 可, but it looks strange.) [possibility 可 = The nail 丁 into the opening 口 should be possible.]
This 'jade' gives big possibilities, because it is a gem.  
no HSK
precious stone, gem, treasure
Left: king, jade 王, right: 罙 (var. of hole 穴, tree 木
The 'jade' in the hole at the tree is a precious stone.  
no HSK
Left: king, jade 王, right: wild river 巛, druse 口 with an agate 㐅
The jade from a wild river in a druse is: the agate.  
no HSK
tinkling of pendants, jade-like stone
Left: king, jade 王, right: good 良
The jade is good if it is tinkling.  
no HSK
jade disc with a hole (annulus)

Top: anal penetration, torture 辟 (buttock from the side 尸, anus 口, needle 辛 as symbol for penetration or torture), below: jewel, jade 玉
Like an 'anal penetration' appears the round jade annulus.  
no HSK
jade-like stone

Left: king, jade 王, right: be possible, can 可 (The nail 丁 into the opening 口 should be possible.)
The 'jade' of the possibilities is the: jade-like.  
no HSK
imperial (ruler's) seal

Top: thus/therefore 尔 (A lying person appears small 小, that therefore thus), below: Jade 玉
It becomes recumbent and small when this jade is (pressed on it): at the imperial seal.  
no HSK
brilliancy (of gems), fine jade, genius
Left: king, jade 王, right: blooming plant 堇 (from top: plant 艹, blossoms 口, growing plant )
A king like a 'blooming plant' is brilliant.  
no HSK
beautiful jade

Left: king, jade 王, right: road, path 路 (The feet 足 all 各 move on the road.)
Jade is the road to beautiful jade.  
no HSK
vessel used to hold grain offerings
Left: king, jade 王, right: link, combine 连 (Vehicles 车/車 and 'movement' 辶 are linked.)
To the king we are linked through vessels of offerings.  
no HSK
blemish, flaw in jade, defect
Left: king, jade 王, right: (free interpretation: mine/pit) 叚 (In a hole 口 with a ladder 'E' you have the tool コ in your hand 又.)
(Jade becomes beautiful by grinding:) The jade (directly) from the mine (still) has a flaw/blemish.  
no HSK
pearl or jade earring
Left: king, jade 王, right: ear 耳
The jade at the ear is the: earring.  
no HSK
unpolished gem

Left: king, jade 王, right: thicket, tedious 菐 (In hollow 业 things the orchid 兰 grows and the person 人 takes it out of the: thicket)
If the jade appears like in a 'thicket', it is still an: unpolished gemstone.  

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