Memory phrase for the character: 碧



green jade, bluish green, blue, jade



Top: ambre 珀 (The king's 王 white 白), bottom: stone 石


But the king's white stone is green jade.


stoneShows a variation of cliff 厂 with a stone 囗 below.
jade, king
whiteIn strong sunshine, you are blinded by the brightness. Such that: The rays 丶 of the sun 日 make everything: white.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


碧绿 bì lǜ  dark green
碧玉 bì yù  jasper
雪碧 xuě bì  Sprite
金碧辉煌 jīn bì huī huáng  gold and jade in glorious splendor (idiom); fig. a dazzling sight (e.g. royal palace)
碧草如茵 bì cǎo rú yīn  green grass like cushion (idiom); green meadow so inviting to sleep on
雕楹碧槛 diāo yíng bì kǎn  carved pillar, jade doorsill (idiom); heavily decorated environment
金碧荧煌 jīn bì yíng huáng  splendid in green and gold (idiom); looking radiant
碧玺 bì xǐ  tourmaline
碧玺 bì xǐ  

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