The Chinese Radical: 束

bundle    束

Explanation The tree 木 stands for many plants (sheafs of rice), which are bound/lashed with a ribbon 口 (cf. 兼) to form a bundle.

Used in these characters:
bundle, to bind, bunch
In the background a tree 木, in front an embracement 口. - The tree 木 stands for many plants 禾, which are bound/lashed with with a ribbon 口 (cf.: double 兼)
"Trees" bound by a ribbon make a bundle.
fast, rapid, quick, velocity

Left: movement 辶, right: bundle 束 (Plants 木/禾 like sheafs of rice (cf.兼), which are bound with a ribbon 口 as a bundle)
If you bundle it, the movement (= transport) is faster.
in good order, exactly, to repair, to punish
Top: imperial order 敕 (It comes in a bundle 束 and strikes 攵: the imperial order) [to strike 攵=攴=hand 又 with stick卜], bottom: correct 正 (To stop 止 at the line 一 is correct)
The bundle needs to be punched correctly to be in good order.
lazy, idle, inactive
Left: feeling 忄, right: depending on 赖 (bundle 束, to bear 负 [With the load ⺈ at the backpack 冂 the person 人 bears a load])
The feeling when you give your bundle to the bent ⺈ for money 贝/貝 is: to be lazy.
hot (spicy), pungent

Left: hot/bitter 辛 (needle used for tattoo), right: bundle 束 (Plants 木/禾 like sheafs of rice (cf.兼), which are bound with a ribbon 口 as a bundle.)
Hot stuff in a bundle is even hotter.
Left: mouth 口, right: 欶 (bundle 束 [a mouth behind a tree], lack 欠 [A yawning person 人 is lacking sth.])
If you open your mouth so that it's visible from behind the tree, like a yawning 欠 person: that is cough.
soft, tender, delicate, light (color)
Left: woman 女, right: imperial order 敕 (It comes in a bundle 束 and strikes 攵: the imperial order) [to strike 攵/攴= hand 又 with stick 卜]
(Manufacturing process for flax fiber by beating) By women the bundle is beaten to until it is: soft.
to depend on, to trust, to renege, to blame
left: bundle 束, right: carry load 负 (With a load ⺈ at the backpack 冂 the person 人 bears a load)
The bundle needs sb. to carry the load: That's what it is depending on.
to tie together, bundle, a bunch
Left: hand 扌, right: surrounded, distress 困 (By the enclosure 囗 the tree 木 is in distress)
The hand "surrounds" sth, if it ties together as a bundle.
sound of wind, trompet, horn
lā, lǎ
Left: mouth 口, right: 剌 (bundle 束 [Plants 木/禾 like sheafs of rice (cf. 兼), which are bound with a ribbon 口 as a bundle], knife 刂)
From the mouth a bundle of cutting (sounds): The trompet!
card, letter, note, notice
Bundle 束 (The tree 木 stands for many plants, which are bound/lashed with a ribbon 口 or the like (cf. 兼) with extra parts 丷
The bundle with two wrapped items 丷 as a: notice or letter.
no HSK
to gargle, to rinse one's mouth with water
Left: water 氵, right: 欶 (bundle 束, deficient/lack 欠 [A yawning person 人 is lacking sth.])
The water is first in a 'bundle' and then lacks: when rinsing.
no HSK
imperial order
Left: bundle 束 (Plants 木 like sheafs of rice (cf.兼), which are bound with a ribbon 口 as a bundle.), right: strike 攵/攴 (hand 又 with a stick 卜)
It comes in a bundle and strikes: the imperial order.
no HSK
Left: feelings 忄, right: bundle 束(Plants 木 like sheafs of rice (cf.兼), which are bound with a ribbon 口 as a bundle.)
The feeling like being bound as a bundle, when being: frightened.
no HSK
unreasonable, perverse, absurd

Left: bundle 束 (Plants 木 like sheafs of rice (cf.兼), which are bound with a ribbon 口 as a bundle), right: knife, to cut刂
The bundle was cut with the knife, which was unreasonable.
no HSK
very slight sound, rustling (onom.), tears streaming down

Top: bamboo 竹, bottom: 欶 (bundle 束, to lack 欠)
The bamboo is bundled with gaps (= lacks) in between, which causes slight rustling sounds.

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