Memory phrase for the Kanji: 速



fast, rapid, quick, velocity



Left: movement 辶, right: bundle 束 (Plants 木/禾 like sheafs of rice (cf.兼), which are bound with a ribbon 口 as a bundle)


If you bundle it, the movement (= transport) is faster.


movementIn some cases this radical 廴 is used, but the mnemonics are the same.
bundleThe tree 木 stands for many plants (sheafs of rice), which are bound/lashed with a ribbon 口 (cf. 兼) to form a bundle.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


高速 gāo sù  high speed
马工枚速 Mǎ gōng Méi sù  Sima Xiangru is meticulous and Mei Gao is fast (idiom); to each his good points
迅速 xùn sù  rapid; speedy; fast
流速 liú sù  flow speed; rate of flow
转速 zhuàn sù  angular velocity; number of revolutions per minute
快速 kuài sù  fast; high-speed; rapid
变速 biàn sù  speed change; gear shift
速度 sù dù  speed; rate; velocity
加速 jiā sù  accelerate; expedite
迅速蔓延 xùn sù màn yán  rapid spread; to spread rapidly
迅速蔓延 xùn sù màn yán  

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