Memory phrase for the character: 簌



very slight sound, rustling (onom.), tears streaming down



Top: bamboo 竹, bottom: 欶 (bundle 束, to lack 欠)


The bamboo is bundled with gaps (= lacks) in between, which causes slight rustling sounds.


|a bundle 束 and to lack 欠
bundleThe tree 木 stands for many plants (sheafs of rice), which are bound/lashed with a ribbon 口 (cf. 兼) to form a bundle.
lack, yawnLike a person 人 who tears his mouth wide open when yawning and seems to have a lack (of good manners).
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


簌簌发抖 sù sù fā dǒu  shivering; trembling (idiom)
簌簌发抖 sù sù fā dǒu  shivering; trembling (idiom)
簌簌 sù sù  very slight sound; rustling (onomatopoeia); to stream down (of tears); luxuriant growth (of vegetation)
簌簌 sù sù  very slight sound; rustling (onomatopoeia); to stream down (of tears); luxuriant growth (of vegetation)
簌簌 sù sù  

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