The Chinese Radical: 巴

to hope, long for    巴

Explanation Actually a slumped person 把 is shown. But the explanations use it as "door handle". This understanding is based on the character: 把 (bǎ, bà), which is in combination of a hand 扌 and means: doorknob.

Used in these characters:
father, dad, pa

Top: father 父 (.. has a stick ノ in his hand ), bottom: hope 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you may hope.)
The father's hope is to be a (good) father.
modal particle for polite suggestion ...right?, ...OK?
bā, ba
Left: mouth 口 right: hope 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you may hope.)
If my mouth (my speech) is hoping for something, this is a polite suggestion.
color, look, appearance, sex
sè, shǎi
Top: bent person ⺈, bottom: hope 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you may hope.)
The bent person hopes for colorful sex.
handle, to hold, contain, grasp, take hold of
bǎ, bà
Left: hand 扌, right: to hope 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you may hope.)
The hand at the doorknob stands for holding (or handle).
to climb, to crawl, to get up or sit up

Left: claw 爪, right: to hope 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you may hope.)
With the claws (the bear) or a doorknob (use as a hook) you can climb up.
fat, fertile, loose-fitting or large, manure
Left: body 月/肉, right: hope 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you may hope.)
The body may hope, that it becomes fat and fertile.
to hope, long for, wish, to cling to, sth. that sticks

Image of a slumped person 巴, that is hoping - Better: understand this as a doorknob
Behind the doorknob 巴 you may hope.

Left: sickness 疒 (An ice-冫-cold building 广 makes sick), right: hope 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you may hope.)
At a disease you hope that it (only) results in a scar.
no HSK

Top: plant 艹, bottom: to hope 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you may hope.)
The plant you are hoping for is: The banana.
no HSK
target, mark

Left: leather 革 (Horned 廿 animals have a skin 口 of leather.), right: hope for 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you can hope)
The leather in the size of a doorknob is: the target.
no HSK
pipa lute, 琵琶, chin. guitar

Top: Two pegs 王 for tensioning the strings of a string instrument, bottom: hope 巴 (Here: image of the sound box of the lute)
The string instrument with a sound box is: the lute.
no HSK
a braiding article made of bamboo strips, fence

Top: bamboo 竹, bottom: to hope 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you may hope.)
Bamboo hopes that it is made to a braiding article.

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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