Memory phrase for the character: 靶



target, mark



Left: leather 革 (Horned 廿 animals have a skin 口 of leather.), right: hope for 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you can hope)


The leather in the size of a doorknob is: the target.


untanned leatherA horned 廿 animal seen from above with a backbone 丨 and broad hips 一 has a skin 囗 of leather around its torso. - Also these radicals 皮 and 韦 stand for leather.
to hope, long forActually a slumped person 把 is shown. But the explanations use it as "door handle". This understanding is based on the character: 把 (bǎ, bà), which is in combination of a hand 扌 and means: doorknob.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


打靶 dǎ bǎ  target shooting
靶船 bǎ chuán  target ship
靶纸 bǎ zhǐ  target sheet
靶纸 bǎ zhǐ  

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