Memory phrase for the character: 爸



father, dad, pa



Top: father 父 (.. has a stick ノ in his hand ), bottom: hope 巴 (Behind the doorknob 巴 you may hope.)


The father's hope is to be a (good) father.


father(For punishing:) A stick ノ in his hand has: the father.
to hope, long forActually a slumped person 把 is shown. But the explanations use it as "door handle". This understanding is based on the character: 把 (bǎ, bà), which is in combination of a hand 扌 and means: doorknob.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


阿爸 Ā bà  Abba (Aramaic word father); by ext. God the Father in Christian gospel
阿爸父 Ā bà fù  Abba (Aramaic word father); by ext. God the Father in Christian gospel
老爸 lǎo bà  father; dad
老爸 lǎo bà  

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