The Chinese Radical: 斯

this    斯


Used in these characters:
to tear, to rip apart, to shred

Outsides: to break 折 (A hand 扌 with an axe 斤 breaks or causes a loss), inside: grain shovel/scoop 其 (tool for threshing)
When the hand uses a grain shovel as an axe, it can tear or rip apart.
this, here, Slovakia

Left: 其 Image of a grain shovel/scoop (tool for threshing), right: axe 斤
A grain scoop threshes like an axe, like: THIS!
no HSK
hiss, neigh, Ss! (sucked between the teeth, when hesitating or thinking)

Left: mouth 口, right: this 斯 (A grain scoop 其 threshes like THIS axe 斤)
The sound ("what comes out of the mouth") of a grain scoop or a axe is a: hiss or 'Ss!'
no HSK
mutually, with one another, manservant, boy servant, guy

Left: cliff 厂, inside: this 斯 (A corn wing 其 threshes like THIS axe 斤)
Over the cliff, namely THIS, we only come "with one another".

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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