The Chinese Radical: 岂

how?    岂


Used in these characters:
how? (emphatic question)

Top: mountain 山, bottom: self 己 (Following the winding path I find myself.)
On the mountain? Myself? What? How?  
no HSK
triumphant, victorious, chi (Greek letter Χχ)
Left: how? 岂 (Up to the mountain 山? Myself 己? How??), right: table 几 (here: bonded 几 legs 儿)
Up the mountain I walk myself with bonded legs: I'm triumphant!  
no HSK
joyful, kind, be contented
Left: feelings 忄, right: How? 岂 (Up to the mountain 山? Myself 己? How??)
The feeling after the mountain was climbed by myself was: joy!  
no HSK
snow-white, blinding-white
Left: white 白 (The shine ノ of the sun 日 makes it white), right: How? 岂 (Up to the mountain 山? Myself 己? How??)
The 'white' of the mountains themselves is: snow-white.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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