The Chinese Radical: 麻

hemp    麻

Explanation Since hemp is illegal, it is not stored at home, but is well hidden. So: The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp.

Used in these characters:
hemp or flax fiber, numb

Left: building 广, below: forest 林
In the building is (protected) a whole forest of hemp.
to rub, massage, to try to figure out

Outside and top: hemp 麻 (The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp), below: hand 手
(Use of hemp for cleaning) With hemp in the hand it is rubbed.

Outside and top: hemp 麻 (The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp), bottom: demon 鬼 (death mask [accent ノ, field 田], legs 儿, nose 厶>)
Hemp is a demon like the devil.
to grind, polish, sharpen, wear down, waste time
mó, mò
Outside and top: hemp 麻 (The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp), below: stone 石
Use hemp on the stones for polishing.
modal particle indicating that sth is obvious
Left: mouth 口, right: hemp 麻 (The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp)
(Proof of drug abuse) In his mouth he still had the hemp and so it was obvious.
no HSK
tiny, insignificant, (interrogative particle)
me, mó
Left: hemp 麻 (The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp), bottom: 么 (two noses 厶)
(In contrast to cocaine: The consumption of) hemp through the noses is insignificant.
no HSK
wasted, extravagant, go with fashion, not
mí, mǐ
Top: hemp 麻 (The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp), below: deny 非 (inverted wings 羽)
(A versatile useful plant:) If the hemp is denied/refused, it is wasteful!
no HSK

Top: plant 艹, bottom: to polish, sharpen 磨 (With hemp 麻 stones 石 can be polished.)
This plant grows at the hemp and looks like a stone: the mushroom.
no HSK
dissolved, rice-gruel, wasted

Top: hemp 麻 (The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp), bottom: rice 米
(Fraud at the drug dealer?) As the (ordered) hemp was only rice, he was murdered.

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