Memory phrase for the character: 磨



to grind, polish, sharpen, wear down, waste time


mó, mò


Outside and top: hemp 麻 (The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp), below: stone 石


Use hemp on the stones for polishing.


hempSince hemp is illegal, it is not stored at home, but is well hidden. So: The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp.
stoneShows a variation of cliff 厂 with a stone 囗 below.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


磨损 mó sǔn  wear and tear; abrasion
耐磨 nài mó  wear resistant
降妖伏磨 xiáng yāo fú mó  to conquer all kinds of demons
琢磨 zhuó mó  to carve and polish (jade); to polish and refine a literary work
切磋琢磨 qiē cuō zhuó mó  gradual improvement by slow polishing (idiom); fig. education as a gradual process
切磋琢磨 qiē cuō zhuó mó  

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