Memory phrase for the character: 蘑






Top: plant 艹, bottom: to polish, sharpen 磨 (With hemp 麻 stones 石 can be polished.)


This plant grows at the hemp and looks like a stone: the mushroom.


grass, plantGrass or a rapid growing plant in general. It shows two plants growing through the ground, and is a simple variation of 艸.
hempSince hemp is illegal, it is not stored at home, but is well hidden. So: The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp.
stoneShows a variation of cliff 厂 with a stone 囗 below.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


蘑菇 mó gu  mushroom; to pester; to dawdle
蘑菇云 mó gū yún  mushroom cloud
蘑菇汤 mó gu tāng  mushroom soup
蘑菇汤 mó gu tāng  

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