The Chinese Radical: 矢

arrow    矢

Explanation An arrow ノ flies in the sky 天.

Used in these characters:
wait, later, season, expect, visit, weather
In the middle vertically: stick 丨, left and right: marquis 侯 (The person 人 to whom another person ⺈ with an arrow 矢 bows down, is a marquis.) - Here: ユ as variation of: work, craft 工
When a person takes a stick 丨 to craft/carve 工 it into an arrow, you need to wait (until a later season).
medical, doctor, to cure

Outside a box 匚 and within an arrow 矢 (= An arrow ノ in the sky 天)
(Think of acupuncture in TCM:) In the box are arrows for the medical treatment.
to know, to be aware
Left: an arrow 矢 (= An arrow ノ in the sky 天), right: a mouth 口 (here: a target)
The arrow hits the target, if it knows it.
short or brief, to lack, weak point, fault
Left: arrow 矢 (= An arrow ノ in the sky 天), right: bean 豆
An arrow of the size of a bean is very short.
low, short (in length)
Left: arrow 矢 (= An arrow ノ in the sky 天), right: entrust 委 (Rice plants 禾 can women 女 be entrusted.)
(A shot with a low/flat trajectory is more accurate than a steep shot.) The arrow can be trusted when it (= the trajectory) is low.
clan, race, nationality, ethnicity

Left: direction/square 方, right: horizontal person , arrow 矢 (= An arrow ノ in the sky 天) - Better right: Two lying persons and big 大
It develops in one direction, if the two lying persons [= the parents] (breed) something big, namely: into a clan/race.
to doubt, to misbelieve, to suspect

Left: sitting person 匕, arrow 矢; right: bent person マ, correct 正
The sitting person with the arrow and the bent person are right with their doubt.
'oh dear' or grunt/sigh of agreement, 'yes'
āi, ài
Left: mouth 口, right: end-particle 矣 (Ìf the nose 厶 is hit by an arrow 矢, it is the end.) [arrow 矢 = An arrow ノ in the sky 天]
The mouth gives at the end: the approval.
rule, rectangular, carpenter's square, torque

Left: arrow 矢 (= An arrow ノ in the sky 天), right: huge 巨 (staring eye, here: set square = measurement angle)
With the (pointed) tip of the arrow and a set square 巨, you can (draw) the regular angle.
sickness, disease, hate, envy, swift

Outside: illness 疒 (An ice-冫-cold building 广 makes sick.), below: arrow 矢 (= An arrow ノ in the sky 天)
A sickness caused by an arrow is a sickness, that comes swiftly.
adjacent, close to, to endure, in sequence
āi, ái
Left: Hand 扌, right: end-particle 矣 (If the nose 厶 is hit by an arrow 矢, it is the end.) [arrow 矢 = An arrow ノ in the sky 天]
A hand's width (distance) from the nose was that arrow: That was closely adjacent.
jealousy, be jealous of

Left: woman 女, right: illness/quick 疾 (The disease 疒 is arrow-矢-like fast, because it makes sick quickly.)
This woman is sick of jealousy.
no HSK
arrow, dart, vector
Left: a stroke ノ which is seen as an arrow, right: heaven/sky 天
The stroke in the sky is an arrow.
no HSK
classical final particle, similar to modern 了

Top: nose 厶, bottom: arrow 矢 (= An arrow ノ in the sky 天)
If the nose is hit by an arrow, it is the: end!
no HSK
bunch, crowded, gathered, gather foliage

Top: bamboo 竹, bottom: clan, nationality 族 (It moves in one direction 方 and has lying people or moving as fast as an arrow 矢: the clan)
The bamboo forms a 'clan', when gathered as a bunch.
no HSK
to correct, to rectify, to redress, brave, to feign
Left: arrow 矢 (= An arrow ノ in the sky 天), right: tall 乔 (young death 夭, but here: sky 天 [Sky-天-long legs 丿| make tall])
(just bend it straight) An arrow that is big can be corrected.
no HSK
dust, dirt, Ångström (=10^-10 m), Egypt
Left: earth 土, right: end-particle 矣 (If the nose 厶 is hit by the arrow 矢, it is the end) [here: 厶 as arrowhead]
The earth is hit by the head 厶 of the arrow and turns into: dust.
no HSK
until, wait for

Left: person 亻, right: end-particle 矣 (If the nose 厶 is hit by the arrow 矢, it is the end) [arrow 矢 = An arrow ノ in the sky 天]
When the person is at the end, it means: 'until ...'

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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