Memory phrase for the character: 俟



until, wait for



Left: person 亻, right: end-particle 矣 (If the nose 厶 is hit by the arrow 矢, it is the end) [arrow 矢 = An arrow ノ in the sky 天]


When the person is at the end, it means: 'until ...'


personThis radical is understood as an identical variant of "person" 人, and shows a person who stands with the legs apart. - This radical has several variation, i.e. a lying person , a sitting 匕 person.
classic end-particle
private, noseSide view of a nose that is facing to the left.
arrowAn arrow ノ flies in the sky 天.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


羔皮 gāo pí  
俟候 sì hòu  to wait (literary)
俟候 sì hòu  

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