Memory phrase for the character: 矮



low, short (in length)




Left: arrow 矢 (= An arrow ノ in the sky 天), right: entrust 委 (Rice plants 禾 can women 女 be entrusted.)


(A shot with a low/flat trajectory is more accurate than a steep shot.) The arrow can be trusted when it (= the trajectory) is low.


arrowAn arrow ノ flies in the sky 天.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


高矮胖瘦 gāo ǎi pàng shòu  one's physique (tall or short, thin or fat); stature
矮小 ǎi xiǎo  short and small; low and small; undersized
高矮 gāo ǎi  height (i.e. whether short or tall)
低矮 dī ǎi  short; low
低矮 dī ǎi  

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