The Chinese Radical: 朱

vermilion    朱


Used in these characters:
unique, special, extraordinary
Left: bad, wicked 歹 [= bare bone, vertebrae or rib], right: vermilion 朱 (A branch of a young [=not yet] 未 tree 木 has sth. red ノ =apple?)
Bare bones that are vermilion, are very unique.
bead, pearl
Left: king, jade 王, right: vermilion/red 朱 (A branch at the young tree 未 has sth. red ノ =apple?)
The king has red beads and pearls.
tree(s)trunk, stump (tree root), [classifier]
Left: tree 木, right: vermilion 朱 (A branch of a young tree 未 has sth. red ノ =apple?)
The tree turns red seeing that he is used as a classifier.
no HSK
cinnabar, vermilion
Top: accent or emphasis ノ, rest: not yet, unfinished 未 (The upper shorter branch 一 of the tree 木 is "not yet".)
At the upper branch of the tree is sth. vermilion. (an apple?)
no HSK
to punish, to put (a criminal) to death, execute
Left: word 讠/言, right: vermilion 朱 (A branch of a young [=not yet) tree 未 has sth. red ノ =apple?)
(death penalty with flowing blood?) Words that are vermilion want to: punish.
no HSK
weight unit =1/24 Liang = 2 or 3 grams
Left: metal 钅/金, right: vermilion 朱 (A branch of a young tree 未 has sth. red ノ =apple?)
(For not getting lost due to the small size:) This metal weight is vermilion: a zhū.
no HSK
"dwarf", person of short stature
Left: person 亻, right: vermilion 朱 (A branch of a young [= not yet] tree 未 has sth. red ノ =apple?)
This person is like sth. small ノ at the young, unfinished tree: The dwarf.
no HSK
spider, spider web
Left: insect 虫, right: vermilion 朱 (A branch of a young [= not yet] tree 未 has sth. red ノ =apple?) Here: a net in a tree 木
This insect makes a net in a tree: the spider.

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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