The Chinese Radical: 齐

identical, simultaneous    齐

Explanation neat, even, level, with

Used in these characters:
to cross a river, to aid or relieve, to be of help

Left: water 氵, right: be in the same level 齐 (A text 文 lays flatly on two vertical sticks 丿|, that are in the same level.)
If the water is the same level (no eddies or rapids), you can easily cross the river.  
crowded, to squeeze, throng

Left: hand 扌, right: be in the same level 齐 (A written text 文 lays flatly on two vertical sticks 丿|, that are in the same level.)
When the hands are on the same level, it is a crowded throng.  
same level with, even sth out, of equal length

Top: text/language 文, below: 丿| (two vertical sticks)
If you can lay a text on two vertical sticks, it is in the same level.  
dose, medical substance

Left: be in the same level 齐 (A written text 文 lays flatly on two vertical sticks丿|, that are in the same level.), right: knife, to cut刂
For achieving the same (=correct) level/amount, you cut it and get the dose.  
no HSK

Left: body part 月/肉, right: be in the same level 齐 (A text 文 lays flatly on two vertical sticks 丿|, that are in the same level.)
The body's part that is always the same level (in the sense of center) is the navel.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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