The Chinese Radical: 贞

loyal, dependable    贞

Explanation faithful, chaste

Used in these characters:
to scout, to spy, to detect
Left: person 亻, right: faithful 贞 (Who divines 卜 for money 贝 must be faithful.)
A person especially faithful is asked for scouting and spying.
no HSK
faithful, loyal, dependable, chaste
Top: fortune telling 卜 (crack in a turtle's shell, used for divining), bottom: money 贝
Who divines for money must be faithful.
no HSK
frame, counter for pictures, one of a pair (scrolls)
Left: cloth 巾, right: faithful 贞 (Who divines 卜 for money 贝 must be faithful.)
(For a canvas you need a strong fabric:) With fabric that is faithfully (=sufficient strength), you can make a frame/picture.
no HSK
hardwood, supports, posts
Left: tree 木, right: faithful 贞 (Who divines 卜 for money 贝 must be faithful.)
The tree is faithful when it is hardwood.
no HSK
auspicious, lucky
Left: to show 礻/示, right: faithful 贞 (Who divines 卜 for money 贝 must be faithful.)
Who shows that he is faithful, appears auspicious.

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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