The Chinese Radical: 屮

sprout    屮


Used in these characters:
to receive, to accept, to collect
Left: twist丩 (= intertwined threads) But here: part of sprout 屮, right: strike 攵 (but here: 攵 as a part ノ of that sprout in a hand
From the sprout the hand collected sth. to receive it.
to model (a figure) in clay

Top: new moon, in lunar calendar 朔 (The disobedient 屰 [=A plant's 艹 shoot 屮 that grows crooked] moon 月 is not shining at new moon), bottom: earth 土
At new moon take earth (clay) for modelling.
contrary, opposite, to go against, rebel

Left: movement 辶, right: disobedient 屰 (A plant's 艹 shoot 屮 that grows crooked is disobedient.)
A movement, that is 'disobedient' is contrary.
no HSK
lose consciousness, to faint, his, her, their
Outside: cliff 厂, rest: 欮 (disobedient 屰 [(A plant's 艹 shoot 屮 that grows crooked is disobedient.], lack 欠)
In particular at a cliff it is a "disobedient lack", when losing consciousness.
no HSK
barracks, to station (soldiers), to store up
tún, zhūn
A variation of grass 艹 and a further sprout 乚, as also shown in 屮
(On fertile ground:) Where growing shoots 屮 pierced the ground 一 they built a barracks.
no HSK
new moon, beginning, first day of lunar month
Left: disobedient 屰 (A plant's 艹 shoot 屮 that grows crooked is disobedient.), right: moon 月
If the 'disobedient' moon does not shine, it is new moon.
no HSK
fault, deficiency, mistake
quē, què
Outside: gate 门/ 門, inside: disobedient 屰 (A plant's 艹 shoot 屮 that grows crooked has a lack 欠 and is disobedient.)
(The door is stuck) The gate is 'disobedient': It has a fault.
no HSK
unruly, rampant, rude
Left: wild animal 犭, right: 厥 (cliff 厂, disobedient 屰 [A plant's 艹 shoot 屮 that grows crooked is disobedient.], lack 欠)
The animal that has been pushed to the cliff because of a disobedient lack is unruly.

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