The Chinese Radical: 亦

also, namely    亦


Used in these characters:
to change, to become different, to transform
Top: also/further 亦 (To understand this variation 亦 as red 赤, you can also/further do.) [red 赤: When earth (clay) 土 is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red 赤], bottom: once again 又 (image of a hand)
(Did he work so much until the hand was blood-red?) A reddish hand stands for: making a change.  
to feel attached to, to long for, to love
Top: also, namely 亦 (To see this variation 亦 as red 赤, you can also do.) [red 赤: When earth (clay) 土 is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red 赤], bottom: heart 心
A reddish heart stands for: 'being attached to' and for: love.  
bend, to stoop, crooked
Top: also, namely 亦 (To see this variation 亦 as red 赤, you can also do.) [red 赤: When earth (clay) 土 is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red 赤], below: bow 弓
(Your head) becomes reddish, when you are like a bow, during: stooping.  
trace, sign, mark, footprint, vestige, indication

Left: movement 辶, right: also, namely 亦 (To see this variation 亦 as red 赤, you can also do.) [red 赤: When earth (clay) 土 is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red 赤]
The movement of the 'reddish' (e.g. a pen) leaves a trace.  
barbarian, bullying, very, rough, reckless
Top: also, namely 亦 (To see this variation 亦 as red 赤, you can also do.) [red 赤: When earth (clay) 土 is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red 赤], bottom: insect 虫 (The body 口 and the sting 厶 of an insect.)
Also, I think: The reddish insects are like: barbarians.  
also, namely, likewise, that is

Variation of red 赤 (When earth (clay) 土 is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red.)
To consider this variation 亦 as red 赤, is what you also can do.  
no HSK
abundant, graceful

Top: also 亦 (To see this variation 亦 as red 赤, you can also do.) [red 赤: When earth (clay) 土 is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red 赤], below: big 大
(in respect to apples) If they are reddish and big, we are in: abundance.  
no HSK
twisted, bent, crooked, cramped
Top: also, namely 亦 (To see this variation 亦 as red 赤, you can also do.) [red 赤: When earth (clay) 土 is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red 赤], below: hand 手
Somehow reddish gets the hand when: twisted or cramped.  
no HSK
mountain range
Top: also, namely 亦 (To see this variation 亦 as red 赤, you can also do.) Here: horizon 亠 with four 灬 mountains, bottom: mountain 山
At the horizon the four mountains form a mountain range.  
no HSK
mythical bird related to phoenix
Top: also, namely 亦 (To see this variation 亦 as red 赤, you can also do.) [red 赤: When earth (clay) 土 is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red 赤], below: bird 鸟/鳥
The somehow red bird is: that mythical bird.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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