Memory phrase for the character: 挛



twisted, bent, crooked, cramped




Top: also, namely 亦 (To see this variation 亦 as red 赤, you can also do.) [red 赤: When earth (clay) 土 is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red 赤], below: hand 手


Somehow reddish gets the hand when: twisted or cramped.


also, namely
handImage of a hand with fingers sticking out
redWhen earth 土 (clay) is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


痉挛 jìng luán  spasm; convulsion
痛性痉挛 tòng xìng jìng luán  (muscle) cramp
热痉挛 rè jìng luán  heat cramps
热痉挛 rè jìng luán  

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