The Chinese Radical:

person lying down   

Explanation This radical can be seen as a person 人 who has the right leg horizontal 一. He is thus lying. (Further radicals with "person" are: sitting 匕, sitting cross-legged 夂, kneeling ⺈, skilled 才, bending マ,卩, slumped 㔾 or husband 夫)

Used in these characters:
every, each
At top: lying person as a flat variant of 人, below: mother 母 (= woman 女 with emphasized, swollen bosom : when breast-feeding)
Persons have mothers: every!
to repeat, again, reply (to a letter)

From top: lying person as a variant of 人, sun 日, person sitting cross-legged 夂
Lying down or sitting in the sun cross-legged: We should repeat it.
clan, race, nationality, ethnicity

Left: direction/square 方, right: horizontal person , arrow 矢 (= An arrow ノ in the sky 天) - Better right: Two lying persons and big 大
It develops in one direction, if the two lying persons [= the parents] (breed) something big, namely: into a clan/race.
to injure, injury, wound
Left: person 亻, right: person lying down as a variant of 人, force 力
If you make a person into a lying person by means of force, you have probably injured him.
ocean, sea
Left: water 氵, right: every 每 (every person 人 = has a mother 母) [母 = woman 女 with emphasized swollen breasts : when breast-feeding]
Water is in every ocean.
thus, therefore, so, like that
Top: lying person as a variant of 人, bottom: small 小
A lying person appears small, that's therefore thus.
decoration, ornament, adorn, conceal
Left: food 饣/食, right: lying person , cloth 巾
If the food is laid on a cloth, it is: a decoration.
implement a measure, to grant, to bestow, to carry out
Left: direction/side 方, right: horizontal person , twisting creature 也 (scorpion or snake)
Beside the lying person is a winding creature: We need to implement a measure.
to lack, deficient, to owe, yawn
Top: gaping/yawning mouth , below: corresponding person 人
A person with yawning mouth shows a lack.
to fill, overflowing, brimming, completely

Left: bow 弓, right: thus/therefore 尔 (A lying person appears small 小, that therefore thus.) [lying person as variant of: 人]
Take your bow, lie down to become small and (due to hunting success your stomach) will fill.
to drag, to pull, to trail, to delay, to drag on
Left: hand 扌, right: 㐌 (person lying down , twisting creature 也 (e.g. snake)
By hand you get a 'straight lying person' from a 'bent creature', when you pull on it.
to beg

Top: lying person as a person 人 that is horizontal, below: at 2nd position 乙 (two 二 written quickly without lifting the pen.)
There lies a disadvantaged person (= from the second 乙 class of the society): a beggar.
to revolve, a loop, a circle, whirl, return
xuán, xuàn
Left: side, direction 方, right: horizontal person , var. of correct 正. (When sleeping, one must occasionally turn to the other side to avoid pressure & bed sores & circulation problems.)
The side of the lying person is fine/correct, but he must turn.
banner, flag

Left: direction 方, right: a lying person [here: banner], below a grain swing/shovel 其 that was used to separate the grain from the husk
In one direction blows the banner at the end of the grain swing: This is a flag.
no HSK
beautiful jade, star
Left: king, jade 王, right: revolve 旋 (The side 方 of the lying person is okay 正, but he has to be turned [because of bed sores?])
The royal jade is revolved (= round at all sides) as: beautiful jade.
no HSK
bunch, crowded, gathered, gather foliage

Top: bamboo 竹, bottom: clan, nationality 族 (It moves in one direction 方 and has lying people or moving as fast as an arrow 矢: the clan)
The bamboo forms a 'clan', when gathered as a bunch.
no HSK
warming principle of the sun, trad. form of dry 干
gān, qián
Left: 倝 sunrise (sun 日 rises between plants 艹) [sunset is: 莫], right: horizontal person , 2nd 乙 (two 二 written quickly without lifting the pen)
At sunrise, the horizontal person feels at second position the warming sun.
no HSK
to order, to direct, keep in order
Left: food 饣/食 (Below the cover is good 良 food.), right: lying person , force 力
With food the lying person gets strength: as if on order.
no HSK
imperial (ruler's) seal

Top: thus/therefore 尔 (A lying person appears small 小, that therefore thus), below: Jade 玉
It becomes recumbent and small when this jade is (pressed on it): at the imperial seal.
no HSK
spider, spider web
Left: insect 虫, right: vermilion 朱 (A branch of a young [= not yet] tree 未 has sth. red ノ =apple?) Here: a net in a tree 木
This insect makes a net in a tree: the spider.

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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