The Chinese Radical: 算

calculate    算


Used in these characters:
to calculate, to compute, regard as, to figure
From top: bamboo 竹, the image of an abacus 目 [= counting board], and two hands 廾 (twice this hand 屮 with the fingers 山 towards the top; simplified & combined)
I use the bamboo abacus with both hands to calculate.
no HSK
to seize, to usurp
Top: calculate 算 (I use the bamboo 竹 abacus 目 with both hands 廾 to calculate.), bottom: nose 厶
I calculate and my nose whats to seize an object.
no HSK
to compile, edit, bun (of hair)
Top: calculate 算 (I use the bamboo 竹 abacus 目 with both hands 廾 to calculate.), bottom: thread 糸
You have to calculate and need threads (here: package strings), when: compiling [e.g. deliveries].
no HSK
to hold, to grip, to grasp
Left: hand 扌, right: to compile, edit 纂 (You have to calculate 算 and need threads 糸, when: compiling [e.g. deliveries])
The hand that compiles, has a hold on it.

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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