Memory phrase for the character: 算



to calculate, to compute, regard as, to figure




From top: bamboo 竹, the image of an abacus 目 [= counting board], and two hands 廾 (twice this hand 屮 with the fingers 山 towards the top; simplified & combined)


I use the bamboo abacus with both hands to calculate.


eyeImage of an eye with a central pupil 口.
two handsTwice this hand 屮 (with the fingers 山 towards the top) side by side, which was simplified and combined.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


就算 jiù suàn  granted that; even if
算卦 suàn guà  fortune telling
预算 yù suàn  budget
核算 hé suàn  an audit; a valuation
运算 yùn suàn  (mathematical) operation
算术 suàn shù  arithmetic; sums (mathematics as primary school subject)
电子计算机 diàn zǐ jì suàn jī  electronic computer
计算 jì suàn  to count; to calculate; to compute
打算 dǎ suàn  to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan; intention; calculation
计算机 jì suàn jī  computer; calculator
掐算 qiā suàn  to count with one's fingers; on the spot calculation
掐算 qiā suàn  

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