Memory phrase for the character: 延



to spread, extend, to prolong, to delay, defer




Left: movement 廴, right: correct 正 (To stop 止 at the line 一 is correct)


Movement is correct (= is needed) to spread.


long strideIn most cases this radical 辶 is used for movement.
to spread
correctRadical 103 疋 stands for clothing or bales of cloth. In the Hanzi-Trainer, it is used synonymously with the correct 正, because it seems helpful for the explanations and the interpretation clothing/cloth bale would be in conflict with other radicals.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


延长 yán cháng  to prolong, to extend, to delay
延长 yán cháng  
延迟 yán chí  to delay; to postpone; to keep putting sth off; to procrastinate
苟延残喘 gǒu yán cán chuǎn  to struggle on whilst at death's door (idiom)
挨延 ái yán  to delay; to stretch out; to play for time
蔓延 màn yán  to extend; to spread
迅速蔓延 xùn sù màn yán  rapid spread; to spread rapidly
迅速蔓延 xùn sù màn yán  

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