돌려주다, 돌아가다 to go back, to return, to resign, conclude
왼쪽 칼 刂, 오른쪽: 손 /彐; 帰 또는 歸에서 간체. 원래는 칼을 든 남자가 아내에게 돌아가는 모습 帚(=빗자루를 든 손)을 나타냅니다. Left: knife 刂, right: hand /彐; simplified from 帰 or 歸. Showed originally a man with a sword who returns to his wife 帚 (=hand with broom)
칼을 든 남자가 아내 妇(오늘날: 빗자루 없는 손). When the man with a sword is at his wife 妇 (today: hand without broom) he has returned.