Memory phrase for the character: 酌



to pour wine & drink wine, to deliberate, to consider




Left: wine mug 酉, right: sháo 勺 (18 ml: image of a ladle 勹 with sth. in 丶)


Wine in portions of one sháo was poured in and drank.


wine, alcohol
ladle, spoonShown is a ladle with something in it. The unit sháo stands for approx. 18ml.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


酌情 zhuó qíng  to use discretion; to take circumstances into account; to make allowances pertinent to a situation
酌量 zhuó liáng  to consider; to allow for; to use one's discretion; to measure (food and drink)
斟酌 zhēn zhuó  to consider; to deliberate; to fill up a cup to the brim
斟酌决定权 zhēn zhuó jué dìng quán  discretionary power
斟酌决定权 zhēn zhuó jué dìng quán  

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