Memory phrase for the Kanji: 送



to deliver, send, carry, give (as a present)




Left: movement 辶, right: to close 关 (The mountain pass 丷 in the sky 天 is closed.)


Down out of 丷 heaven 天 with a movement this was delivered.


movementIn some cases this radical 廴 is used, but the mnemonics are the same.
to closeThe meaning is actually “to close”. But also: pass summit or mountain pass. The pass is already in “heaven” 天, but from there it goes higher, because otherwise it wouldn't be a pass. And (due to the weather) a pass can be closed.
coming out
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


传送 chuán sòng  to convey; to deliver
运送 yùn sòng  to transport; to carry
输送 shū sòng  to transport; to convey
赠送 zèng sòng  to present as a gift
揪送 jiū sòng  to seize and send (to court, to face punishment)
揪送 jiū sòng  

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