Memory phrase for the Kanji: 织



to weave, to knit




Left: thread 纟/糸, right: single 只 (one mouth 口 of eight 八 is just alone)


The thread 纟 shall into the hole 口, even twice 八, when weaving or knitting.


threadIt has in its upper part the radical "short thread" 幺.
just one of severalWhen all others are silent: One mouth 口 of eight 八 is just alone.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


织物 zhī wù  cloth; woven material; textiles
组织 zǔ zhī  to organize; organization; organized system; nerve; tissue
纺织 fǎng zhī  spinning and weaving
织机 zhī jī  loom
非赢利组织 fēi yíng lì zǔ zhī  not-for-profit organization
耕当问奴,织当访婢 gēng dāng wèn nú , zhī dāng fǎng bì  if it's plowing ask the laborer, if it's weaving ask the maid (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist
织当访婢 zhī dāng fǎng bì  if it's weaving, ask the maid (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist
织当访婢 zhī dāng fǎng bì  

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