Memory phrase for the character: 卧



to lie (for sleeping), lie down



Left: minister, official 臣 (= eye wide open), right: divine 卜 (here: a rotated cover 亠)


For the staring eyes you need a (rotated) cover if you want to lie down to sleep.


oracle, mysticismThis radical is considered to be a simplification of: fortune telling 占 (crack 卜 in the shell 口 of a turtle from which the fortune was told.). Sometimes it is read as a forking of a road.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


卧榻 wò tà  a couch; a narrow bed
食荼卧棘 shí tú wò jí  to eat bitter fruit and lie on thorns (idiom); to share the hard life of the common people
卧薪尝胆 wò xīn cháng dǎn  lit. to lie on firewood and taste gall (idiom); fig. suffering patiently, but firmly resolved on revenge
卧铺 wò pù  a bed (on a train); a couchette
卧室 wò shì  bedroom
横躺竖卧 héng tǎng shù wò  to lie down all over the place; exhausted and in disarray
仰卧 yǎng wò  to lie supine
蜷卧 quán wò  to curl up; to lie curled up
蜷卧 quán wò  

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