Memory phrase for the Kanji: 烦



to bother, to trouble, to feel vexed




Left: fire 火, right: page, leaf, head 页/頁 (=head 目 with shoulders 八 and eyebrows 一)


Like a fire in my head, that's how you bother me.


fireAlso this radical 灬 stands for fire.
head, leaderPicture of an eye 目 with emphasized eye-brows 首 to express the special: the head or the chief. (When used as a radical often without eye-brows 頁 meaning forehead). It is always at the right side of a character.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


麻烦 má fan  inconvenient; troublesome; annoying; to trouble or bother sb; to put sb to trouble
烦恼 fán nǎo  agonize; agony; annoyance; upset; vexation; worries
烦躁 fán zào  jittery; twitchy; fidgety
烦琐 fán suǒ  tedious; convoluted; fiddly; pedantic
烦冗 fán rǒng  diverse and complicated (of one's affairs); prolix (of speech, writing etc)
烦冗 fán rǒng  

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